Publication development process

Introduction to the publication development process

I know that writing a research paper can be an overwhelming task. There's just so many elements that we need to focus on.

That's why before we start discussing how you can write a research paper, I want us to explore the publication development process.

In this session, I break down the process you've got to go through to publish your work into manageable pieces. We will discuss the research, writing and peer-review process, and any relevant interconnections between these.

Remember, to publish in the top journals in your research field you need to understand the process that you need to go through, as well as the requirements of the editors and reviewers.

Session outcomes

By the end of this session you'll:

  • know the key steps in the publication development process
  • know how research, writing and peer-review process work together
  • be able to navigate the publication development process

Additional resources

To help you understand how the research, writing and peer-review processes interact with each other, we have mapped the entire publication development process in a single block diagram. You can view and download it below.

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